Last year it was Nirbhaya that deeply shook me. I spent
nights in loud cry and tears, in the Pooja room where no one could spot me.
When I let the pressure off, I returned to bed, only to see my little angel
sleeping in complete ignorance and innocence on what was happening around her.
Then I wept in silence – “how am I going to safe guard myself and her from the
cruel world around” was a big unanswered question.
Older generation got diabetes at age 60, now our generation
is taking master health check up as we stylishly call so at age 30. One in 3
adults in India is diagnosed of diabetes. No, please don’t translate that to "We
are the sweetest nation!" One can argue “Life style” has changed; but life is
still the same. We still breathe in oxygen and let out carbon-di-oxide.
Unfortunately no change to that process to suit our current life style. We eat
crops, fruits, vegetables from a diseased mother (earth). Hence we are
Please ask for Organic foods. Let’s increase the demand for organic food items. Say no to pesticides, say no to genetically modified crops (they are jus chemicals and no life is present), reduce the use of plastics! Be sensible and gentle to carry a cloth bag when you go out shopping... Let us be the change agent in our society and leave a sustainable mother to our children!
Let there be sense and purpose to the life Nammaazhvar has lived!
Nirbhaya’s loss rattled the conscience of our nation. Every
citizen came forward like never before. Ever hungry media for sensational news
made the most of it. Men and women who are used to witnessing the rally or
protests from their balcony came down to the roads… Candlelight vigils,
slogans, placards and what not! For all the pain that life had gone through,
there was some purpose to it, I consoled myself.
Last year, it was a rape victim whose journey was stopped
midway. From that single incident, awareness about women safety was born, laws
were made stringent. [Is somebody asking me if the crime rate has come down? I
would give that question a pass!]. This year, a man who tried to protect a
woman from being raped, who tried to chase the rapists out died – now will the
rapists not continue to plunder this woman who is nurturing all lives in our
land? Why did he go midway? Whom did he trust for the unfinished job! Will
someone come to protect that woman? Will Nammaazhvar Ayya’s death shake our
I know I am not talking sense at all. Why would anyone’s
conscience be questioned for a natural death of an old man?!
In short he made me realize, “All breast milk are not same!”
I delivered my daughter in 2007. I had a few elders around
me to help and support my child and me. I am very grateful to them for those
first moments in my life. Breast milk is the elixir of her life – a single cure
for any diseases my child might have contracted from outside.
It is a natural hormonal process. Once the life is out from
my belly, lactation happened automatically (nay, I didn’t give credit to
creator’s brilliance then). However in this nature’s process, elders tried to
interfere saying ‘Don’t eat that. Don’t eat this’ I was confounded at that
time. All breast milk would have the same stuff – same nutrients – vitamins,
minerals, calcium and life nourishing contents. Whatever I eat, my body could
still produce the same milk. So was every mother’s milk I thought. But soon I
was disproved. What I eat, my body digests, becomes blood, blood becomes milk.
So, what you eat matters.
Do you know, our land, mother Earth (we unabatedly do our
lip service) is the producer of elixir of our lives? She continues to lactate
so that our lives could be nourished. If she has to produce quality milk, she
needs to be given proper food. If you make her smoke plastic, industry waste,
garbage, chemicals in the name of pesticides, do you think she can continue to
produce same breast milk like earlier? We have made her diseased and still
expect her to nourish us, our children and their children!

Nammaazhvar came as a God in disguise for the raped land. He
fought for organic farming. The pesticides and other chemicals which are being
used for better crop, faster harvest is killing her slowly. Genetically
modified seeds and crops left her molested and impotent that she can’t generate
milk anymore for anybody. Vast area of lands were subjected to this pain.
Scores and scores of farmers committed suicide because she stopped lactation.
She became sterile!
He educated farmers, taught them how to preserve their
soil. He exposed them to variety of farming methods for good yield and money,
but without raping the land. He restored the lives of several thousand farmers.
Many inspired people from IT joined him as a full time / part time volunteers/
business partners. He appeared in social media, continues to impact lives like
Will his death make history? Will we celebrate
his life (he still lives in the trees he planted, seeds he sowed) by paying
tributes to him? If so, what is a fitting tribute?
Please ask for Organic foods. Let’s increase the demand for organic food items. Say no to pesticides, say no to genetically modified crops (they are jus chemicals and no life is present), reduce the use of plastics! Be sensible and gentle to carry a cloth bag when you go out shopping... Let us be the change agent in our society and leave a sustainable mother to our children!
Let there be sense and purpose to the life Nammaazhvar has lived!